La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul


Become an Ordained Priestess in 2025 !

The Wheel of The Year is in Full Spin

This year the Wheel has been in full motion and running downhill! The ride began with many changes happening in my life, the beauty of birth and death, becoming a grandmother for the first time, and finding my pace as a spiritual leader and High Priestess for our Iseum of Priestesses.

Invited guests came to our Imbolc celebration held in Rohnert Park. We had over a dozen women come to celebrate the wakening and quickening of our Mother, and we rejoiced as Brigid returned to walk across the land.

We walked the Labyrinth and opened our vision to what will come to us this year.

Baby Lilith arrived just before Ostara. Naturally, I think she is the most perfect baby that ever visited this realm!
My stepdad passed away the evening he met Lilith. I imagine their souls passing from one realm to another as if passing a baton. Tag-you’re-it! I love this picture–it is very precious to me.

Ostara’s warmth and rain brought many fungi to the woods. I walked the big grandkids around and we had a ball finding flowers, mushrooms, and even a few banana slugs. Time with them is like living in another reality. They see things through the eyes of youth! I love how I feel when I am with them.

Beltane arrived and we headed to Isis Oasis in Geyserville to celebrate the Maiden and her ripe lust for life. We shared in song, dance, crafting, and of course, feasting. Sing Dance Make Love In Her Name! Blessed Be!

Summer Solstice we celebrated the Mother in all her Fullness along the California Redwoods in Gualala.
We held a circle in the sunshine, danced the Spiral Dance, and again, made our way through crafting and feasting. We lit a bonfire and manifested what we most desire at this midway through summer.

We gathered for our annual Priestess Reunion for Lammas/Lughnasadh. Goddess Mall, a Talent Show, and so much food! Of course, visiting and catching up are the joys of this reunion. The Iseum as established in 1998 and this is our 26 years of gathering.

Mabon was celebrated at Stafford Lake in Novato where we gathered around to shed the crusty old year off our backs, bring in new hope, plan for rebirth. We shared what we must release to make room for growth, and we held one another as we prepare to enter into the darkest days on the Wheel of the Year. Next up, Samhain.

January Full Moon Event

Welcome, 2024! Let’s begin with some great play and moon magic! I am hosting a full moon circle on Thursday, Jan 25 (in person and on Zoom) from 11 am–to–1 pm. Meet new friends –some with old souls– with like minds, and delightful visions. The vibrations rise when we gather and cast intentions, and the universe listens.–

Sing, Dance, Read, RISE!

January’s Wolf Moon invites us to wash away the past. We will hold a salt purification ritual to step into the new year.

This month’s full Moon falls on a Thursday, a day for financial success. We will cast a prosperity spell for personal wealth and worldwide abundance.

Bring positive vibes and clear thoughts when you can join in person, and if you are Zooming, you can have a few other items ready…..

What you may want on your Altar: Silver coins, abundance attracting crystals such as pyrite, aventurine, carnelian, citrine, and malachite. Clear crystal quarts or your luck stone will work, too.

What you will need for the ritual: a dish of salt

What you will need for the spell: GREEN CANDLE (or white; white is a perfectly good stand-in for any color or intention), a gold-colored KEY that opens nothing. . . an uncut key from the hardware store works, and your WALLET

Suggested donation is $15; light refreshments will be served.

Email me, HP Tina, at for a Zoom link or location. Blessed Be and Happy New Year!

Lammas Eve, 2023

Welcome, Most Precious Beauties, to Lammas Eve!
We are on the brink of our Harvest. We are about to reap our rewards, kick our failures, rise with the sun, and bury our worries.

Blessings from the Goddess surround us every day. Our breath, just the act of inhaling her, our step, the act of walking upon her, and oh, the glory of drinking her down on a hot day! And let’s not forget the ever-striking spark that sets our souls on fire!

We are so grateful for this beautiful, difficult, marvelous life. Let us pause a moment and absorb the subtle change in the air. . . for She has shifted and we are now aware of our bounty.

Demeter, Corn Mothers, Ceres, Isis, and all great Goddesses of agriculture and harvest, we honor you at Lammas!

This year, I seemed to have grabbed a packet of seeds and without looking at the label, tossed them into the fields. Imagine my surprise at what grew out there! A full ten rows of Humble, four rows of Grace, an acre of Compassion, and out there, way out on the south forty, there are bushels of Wisdom waiting to be plucked from the trees. There will be a variety of Wisdom to consume this winter!

No matter our intentions or plans, what must be will be. And when we are lucky, we follow the moonlight to our dreams and they intersect with the path the Goddess has paved. We have no choice but to walk, but she lovingly offers her hand along the way.

I hope your days have been filled with recognizing what you have cultivated this year. I have read many emails about accomplishments and struggles that have been overcome. I also know that some of the paths have been rocky, sketchy, and downright frightening, but as Priestesses and strong women, you have courageously taken every stride. Keeping faith near, and accepting opportunity as it arises. (And if you haven’t, it’s time to start.)

At Lammas Eve I invite you to take a moment to wipe the sweat from your brow. You have labored hard and your sweet bounty awaits!

Break bread. Give thanks. Recognize your sacrifice, and honor your rewards. Blessed be, so Mote it Be, and So it Is!

Blessed Be! Blessed Be the Witches, Blessed Be the Wise Women!


Blessings of Perfect LOVE
and Perfect TRUST
in the New Year

So, you missed the opportunity to let go at the Witch’s New Year, Samhain, commonly called Halloween, did you? Well, never fear, my darling, my dear– for November’s Full Moon Zoom is here!

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th at 7 p.m. We will work our energy and cast some magic, conjuring good mojo for our New Year! Prepare to let go of what is holding you back, thus making room to move forward!


For this gathering, you might like to sip a cup of tea and nibble a cookie or two, and have your materials ready for Magic! You’ll need about a 4×4 square of cloth, or near that size, any kind is fine. I like to use dark fabric for magic bundles. Then, go on a scavenger hunt for herbs from your kitchen or garden. Also, some ribbon, yarn, or jute to tie your bundle together.

Choose a purpose or intention for your bundle and then gather at least three of the magical properties to fill your bundle.

Protection: Rosemary, Fennel, Garlic, Basil, Barley, Clove, Cactus, Aloe

Psychic Power: Rosemary, Orange, Peppermint, Borage, Marigold, Cinnamon, Bay, Wormwood

Obtain Luck: Purslane, Persimmon, Allspice, Bamboo, Moss, Nutmeg, Star Anise

We will make our bundles and fill them with intention at the Moon Zoom. I look forward to seeing you there!

Learn about November’s Full Moon, letting go, and paganism’s work with the Moon and the Wheel of the Year

Zoom Moon will be held near or on the full Moon of each month from 7-8 p.m. email for the Zoom link and information for the online circle for intentions, readings, and craft materials. We look forward to you “Zooming in” each month!

Live Full Moon Circles are back May-August Unless noted, they are held at Dorotea Park

HighPriestess Tina Brigid with Apprentices and Mentors, Stafford Lake celebrating Mabon

August Full Moon, Celebrating Leos and Gratitude–same place, same time

Baby Remi, a reminder of our inner “baby Leo” and to shine brightly!

July Full Moon to Call Rain

Wed. July 13th 6:30–7:30 p.m., Rohnert Park

How handsome is Posidon?

Event by La Bona Dea Practical Magic Circles & Journal of Everyday MagicDorotea ParkDuration: 1 hr –Public  ·

July marks the beginning of rainfall measurements, so let’s do our part!
Join us for the JULY FULL MOON TO HONOR WATER. We will delve into seashell magic and perform thunderous drumming for rain. Please bring a chair, a water bottle, and a snack if you like. Blankets, hats, sunglasses, too.

Summer’s Strawberries
This beautiful photo by the stellar photographer is linked below:

Once again we will gather under the Full Moon! We hope you will join us for THE STRAWBERRY MOON on Tuesday, June 14th from 6:30-7:30 PM The same location, Dorotea Park in Rohnert Park.
We offer a family-friendly event to honor the full moon phase. Please bring a chair and a snack and beverage if you like.
We will sing, participate in a wish-making ritual, and enjoy gathering as a community. Blessed be! We practice current local Covid 19 regulations by social distancing. Masks are optional unless there is an outdoor mandate.

THE STRAWBERRY MOON will be held on Tuesday, June 14th from 6:30-7:30 PM The same location, Dorotea Park in Rohnert Park.

Our Previous Events:

Join our group for a Full Moon Circle at Dorotea Park on Friday the 13th of May from 6:30-7:30 pm. This is a family-friendly event to honor the full moon phase. Please bring a chair and a snack or beverage if you like. We practice Covid 19 regulations by social distancing. Masks are optional unless there is an outdoor mandate. We will sing, participate in a wish-making ritual, and enjoy gathering as a community. Blessed be!

Circle your calendar and join us at Dorotea Park: 895 Santa Dorotea Circle, in Rohnert Park on Thursday, April 14th from 6:30-7:30 pm to celebrate and honor April’s Full Pink/Plant Moon. This is a free public event for those who want to participate. Bring a chair/blanket/water bottle/ drum and a joyful heart! Wearing pink and/or floral print is an option 

**To minimize the risk of Covid-19, please be sure to keep a safe distance and wear a mask if you need. We are all in this together!**

Check out Amazon for our latest publications…. our latest addition is:

A Year of Rituals and Recipes, collected and published by our Priestesses

May the light of the Moon shine on you

May the light of the Moon guide you

May the light of the Moon fill your heart and bless your soul!

Moon Under Her Feet

NEW APPRENTICES’ TEA Saturday, January 15th from 2-4:30 pm. Meet past Priestesses, sit in an introductory Circle, and enjoy our Merry Meet Tea! Our tea is held at La Bona Dea, 813 Santa Dorotea Circle, Rohnert Park.

La Bona Dea, with High Priestess Tina Deason, is holding a social tea for our Priestess Apprenticeship Program which begins at Imbolc 2022; it is a year-long program that meets at the eight Holy Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year.

The Apprenticeship Program, founded by High Priestess Nancy Dew began in 1998. Tina Deason was ordained at High Priestess at the Iseum in 2020. She now facilitates the Program using the Path of The Priestess A Goddess Guide to the Wheel of the Year, by Nancy Dew. At the end of the year-long program, is the option to become a legally ordained reverend. Visit the page About the Iseum of Mary Isis for details and fees.

Join us for a cup of tea and learn about our Priestess Apprenticeship!
The Witches fly and the Spirits delight,
Come join us for Divination Night!

Divination Night at La Bona Dea
Monday, November 1st from 6:30-8:30 pm

Come join in the fun and see what our Guides from the other side have to offer at this special time of year! The veils are thinning so messages, omens, and predictions, even some answers may come while we gather! Bring your favorite Divinating Tools– Tarot, Pendulum, Mystic Cards, or Runes, whatever you use to communicate, meditate, or concentrate to find answers from beyond.

We have plenty of divination tools to share. We will share readings and explore the many ways to retrieve information from beyond the veils.
And, as always, we will have our specially made Samhain Chai and a crafty charm to make which will carry you through the winter’s darkness.

WE HAVE DECIDED TO MOVE THE EVENT INDOORS AS IT IS QUITE DAMP AFTER THE RAIN. WE ASK THAT VACCINATED PERSONS ATTEND. I have plenty of room for Divination Readings throughout the house, so we can spread out. Thank you!

Suggested $10.00 donations accepted for this event.
Cash or Paypal, tax-deductable.

The Priestess Apprenticeship Welcome Tea is set tentatively for Saturday, November 6th, please contact if you are interested in the year-long program. At the end of the year, you will have the option to become an ordained priestess. 

Below is a list of our previous events



SATURDAY, AUGUST 22nd  11 am – 2pm

SEBASTOPOL SUBUD HALL 234 Hutchins Ave., Sebastopol

In the back, under the shade of the trees, and in the fresh air. Masks are suggested at this time, and we will follow Sonoma County and California’s protocol requirements at this event.

The first annual Goddess Thrift Mall benefits scholarships for the Iseum of Mary Isis Priestess Apprenticeship Program and other public events.

Many Priestesses have donated gently used clothing for men/women/children, along with home goods, fine decor, and specialty items.

Receive a relaxing massage or take a look at influencing energies hovering about when you have your Tarot read.

Cash and Venmo accepted. The Iseum of Mary Isis is a non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible. See our Iseum of Mary Isis page for more information on this organization.


Please note the 2021 Full Moon Dates. Time is yet to be determined for each circle. Participation information and the following Zoom link will be posted near the New Moon  cycle.

 La Bona Dea’s Summer Solstice 

Sand Candle Making at Goat Rock Beach, Monday, 6/21

Visit the photo gallery for pictures of this fun event!

Take A Look At Our Previous Full Moon Circle photos located on the

Full Moon Page. 

DECEMBER COLD MOON, December 29th, 2020, the last full Moon of 2020

A Dreamtime Journey and Ritual

Coming November 30th, The Grateful Beaver Full Moon Zoom

Why a Beaver Moon, you ask…. Well,

This is a time to fortify our homes, be grateful for what we have, and to prepare for winter. As we get ready for deep winter, we can embrace the attributes of the beaver:

  • Keep Busy
  • Be constructive
  • Work together
  • Be eager
  • Cozy dams
  • Don’t be a stick in the mud
  • Oranges and cloves, by Elbaroda the Wanderer

    Oranges and cloves, by Elbaroda the WandererTo Join, click the Zoom link on 11/30 6pm PST 

La Bona Dea (CM Riddle) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

 Topic: Grateful Beaver Full Moon

Time: Nov 30, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID:    853 6675 9316

Passcode:    5JnUef

The Lavender Labyrinth, a way to release the old, embrace what we learned, and to pave the way for our dreams to come true in 2021

Me on the Lab walkHigh Priestess Tina at the AltarGood witch Bad WitchKaren and Tina at the entrance to the Labrynth

Highlights from the Saturday 10/31/20


Blue Moon Divination Card

Wheel Tarot SpreadEntrance to the Back GardenOnce in a Blue Moon

The Falling Leaf Full Moon Altar Awaits

The Falling Leaf Full Moon Altar Awaits

Virtual Falling Leaf Full Moon Meditation

Sometimes the best magic is nature. . . this leaf and stick fell in the shape of a magic wand!

                     Sometimes the best magic is nature. . . this leaf and stick fell in the shape of a magic wand!

Thursday, Oct 1, 2020 6:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting email me at


6:30 pm Log In
The Charge of the Goddess
Call in the Quarters
Light Ritual Candles
Guided Meditation
Sharing, if so desired and time allows
Close the Circle

You will want these items for the ritual and meditation:

A fallen leaf, a sealed container of water, a candle to light, a pen and paper, a clear crystal if you have one

            The next Full Moon is the Blue Moon will be on Samhain! Hope to see you then!

Halloween blue moon

Virtual Full Wine Moon and Persephone’s Departure

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 7:15 pm – 8 pm Log in at 7pm

Hosted by: Priestess Tina Deason at La Bona Dea  

Online Event…. Zoom will open at 7pm for participants to login

AGENDA Contact me for Zoom log in codes before 9/1/20

For the Full Wine Moon Ritual please have for the ritual:

  • A glass of wine/juice/water for Gratitude Ritual—prepare to state what you are grateful for (Speak for no more than 30-45 seconds, please, we will share at the end if we have time)
  • An apple and knife for turning your worries over to Demeter—define your worry/fear

Our women’s full moon circle will celebrate harvest time, and the note the departure of Persephone. We will share our accomplishments, so I ask that you spend a few minutes before our gathering to think of what you have gained or harvested this year. I will go around the Zoom Room and each person to share. Our time is limited, so please tell us your name, the year’s goal and the outcome/harvest in 30-45 seconds. If you prefer not to speak, simply say “pass.” When all have shared, I will lead you in a Gratitude Rite, followed by a prayer to Demeter

Log in 7-7:10

Charge of The Goddess and Calling in the Quarters

Gratitude Rite

Prayer to Demeter, the Protecting Mother

Talking Stick, Share if we have time

Dismiss the quarters

This is the first in a series of Virtual Moon Circles until we can meet in person. I look forward to checking in, sharing the light, and holding sacred space as we begin the transition toward winter.

Blessed Be!

Priestess Tina

PLEASE Log in to Zoom before 7:15



(The place of transformation)

Virtual Full Moon Gatherings via Zoom will begin in September

Save these dates
Sept 2 Wine Moon
Oct 1 Harvest Moon
Oct 31 Blue Moon and The Witches New Year
Nov 30 Beaver Moon
Dec 29 Cold Moon

email me at for details or follow La Bona Dea on Facebook

WS 2018 Moonlight and Reading with Mona

In-person events will be POSTPONED until it is safe to gather again








Intention Setting with Candle Magic

THURSDAY, MARCH 12 from 5-8 pm Ritual begins at 6 pm.
At my home in Rohnert Park
$20 donation includes all materials and light refreshments will be served

Candle Magic Rebirth Celebration

Spring offers the opportunity for renewal and rebirth. It is a magical time of discovering what wonderful and intuitive gifts we were born with, and how we might tap into them. At this gathering, we will examine how to unblock our gifts and apply them to our daily lives.

Discovering our life-work and sharing our passions are ways to express ourselves and honor Mother Earth.

What will we do at this gathering?

Learn to use candles to set intentions; dressing candles, writing sigils, and selecting proper colors are a part of the preparation.

We will hold s Sacred Circle and listen to a guided meditation focusing on our personal gifts from the universe.

We will pass the talking stick and share if we desire, the images or feelings that come up as well as what may be blocking us during creative times.

We will set our intentions through candle magic and as our candles burn, releasing our intent to the universe, we will partake in light refreshments.

I am proud to announce that two new Priestesses will be assisting us with this year’s first ritual at La Bona Dea

Please contact me with any questions or to reserve your spot! and celebrate the arrival of springtime!
or text to 707 318-8902

Blessed Be! So, Mote, it Be!

Visit this site and read my blog where you will find that every day is filled with magic and wonder.

With Gratitude,
Priestess Tina

Priestess Tina

Did you know I am available to perform a customized ceremony or a ritual at your special event? Contact me for your next event and let’s make it sacred as well as memorable!

  • Engagements
  • Weddings/Commitments
  • Baby Blessing
  • Special Birthdays
  • Home Blessings or House Warming
  • Rites of Passage
  • Memorials/Funerals

To see what I love to do, Please visit the photos page and scroll down to see previous events from La Bona Dea–
Calliope the Muse                Elboroda tells her story and Gramps witnesses it

Apprenticeship has commenced and we have two new Priestesses, Colliape and Elboroda, who will continue to reach out and share the words of the Goddess and help to heal Mother Earth.

Next Apprenticeship will take place in February 2021

It has been a fun-filled camping summer bookended with Sabbats -Summer Solstice and Lughnasadh- but as the Autumn approaches I have some plans for Full Moon Circles Coming up!


Natural Easter Egg Dying Workshop
$5.00 for materials
Thursday, April 18th from 5pm-8pm Kid Friendly!


I love to dye my Easter Eggs with natural dyes, so this year I am inviting everyone to join me at this fun event!
I will prepare the dyes, you can bring your eggs- about a dozen or so- and I will have materials available to create some impressive and creative eggs for your Easter!

Ostara, the Vernal Equinox is March 21, but because Easter comes in April this year, we get to celebrate SPRING twice, and frankly, after all of this rain, I am so glad! Yippee!

Please email me, or use Facebook to RSVP so I know an approximate number of guests to prepare for!
See you soon!
La Bona Dea!


Summer 2019 at the Sonoma County Fair

JULY 14 Copperfieldsin Santa Rosa

APRIL 10th GAIA’S GARDEN then click on literature
Dine With Local Authors! Come listen to us read from our books while you indulge in some yummy organic delights. . . I gotta say, the coffee and desserts rock too! xo See you then! 6:30-8pm

A book is Born!
12/01/2018 AND 02/24/2019 One’s Own Sweet Way was born, all 318 pages of her!
I will be spending some time promoting this novel about anxiety disorder – come meet me!

Book Launch Flyer

Visit my group IN SPITE OF ANXIETY on Facebook

In Spite of Anxiety is a closed group. Tell us about successes in spite of anxiety. Share ideas and support for those who suffer from anxiety and those who care for loved ones with anxiety. Please visit and share positive affirmations and stories- and your accomplishments, no matter how small, and for sure how GREAT!. Intention of this page is to inspire and leave you feeling less stressed, greatly valued, and truly respected. I created this group because YOU ARE PRECIOUS!

Here are special events which are coming up as well as services




Tarot Death Card

Don’t FEAR the Death Card…. it’s just a chance for CHANGE! Come learn a little about the cards and hear your
Wheel of the Year Readings- and much more… RSVP to or

Summer 2018 Path of the Priestess Manual by Nancy Dew
Imbolc 2019,Year Long Priestess Apprenticeship, using the manual by Nancy Dew


MOON CIRCLES 6:30-8:30pm
Friday July 27 FULL
Friday August 17 WAXING
Friday October 26 WAXING/SAMHAIN

NOVEMBER Gratitude Gathering
Sunday November 18th 11am-2pm

DECEMBER Yule Celebration and Winter Solstice
Friday December 21 6:30-8:30pm

JANUARY MERRY MEET for Priestess Apprenticeship, date/time to follow
FEBRUARY Imbolc, first sabbat for initiates, date/time to follow

Hello All!
I have been working on my book, Her Own Sweet Way, my personal story about raising a child with an invisible disability, so I have pulled back on gatherings for now- as I plan to publish in early 2018… Well okay, more like between Lughnasadh and Mabon, but hopefully before Samhain!

I am available for ritual and ceremony upon request, so please feel free to contact me to do this for you!
I will write or perform ritual or ceremony for events at your location. or La Bona Dea on Facebook.

Viola Me

Bright Blessings!

Practical Magic Women’s Sacred Moon Circles!
Sing, Dance, Feast, all in Her Name!
On-going for 2017
First Monday of the month (Moon-day) From 6:30-8:00pm Goddesses gather at 6:15
at Songbird Community Healing Center, upstairs back room
By Donation Only; suggested $5.00-15.00, no one turned away

Check website posts for monthly topics And visit Songbird Center for additional services

May Day Celebration: Come usher in the summertime!

The birds are singing,
the bees are buzzing,
the flowers are blooming and
the fairies are flying.

It’s time to leave winter behind and welcome the long playful days of summer.
Let’s honor the outdoors, new growth, and wanderlust.
Let’s celebrate this magical time of year.

Family Friendly. Finger Food Appetizer Potluck.

Drumming with Sahar and
Circle with Tina Deason

Sunday, May 7, 2pm-6pm
Suggested Donation $10-$20/No RSVP Necessary
Drop-in or stay the entire time.
2-3pm: Gather & Drumming, 3-4:30pm: Circle w/Meditation/4:30-5:30: Drumming/Dancing/Feasting, 5:30-6pm: Closing
Songbird Community Healing Center
8297 Old Redwood Hwy
Cotati, CA 94931

Sahar will encourage you to drum up a storm impassioned with vitality, sweet intimacy, and deep peace. He will also lead you on a meditation journey. Bring drums or contact Sahar if you need one.

Tina Deason will take you on a journey through time, going back to ancient ways including teaching about circle etiquette, gods and goddesses of the season, and how seasons were celebrated with ritual.

Tuesday, October 4th 7pm at Songbird in Cotati— Gratitude and Joy!


Saturday October 15th Witch’s New Year Full Moon Goddess Gathering!

October Full Moon Gathering

As always, there is no charge for (Women’s) Practical Magic Full Moon Ceremonies. Donations are accepted and you are invited to contribute to the Goddess Potluck. (vegetarian & gluten free are suggested, all accepted!)

No cost to participants; donations accepted for rental space and supplies $5-$20 sliding scale

Manifesting with the Divine Series

Manifesting with the Divine Gratitude on Tuesday Oct. 4th!
Songbird Community Healing Center
from 7-9pm; $45.00 fee includes magical craft making materials and refreshments

Manifesting with the Divine Harvesting and Abundance July 5th!
Songbird Community Healing Center
from 7-9pm; $45.00 fee includes magical candle making materials and refreshments

Candle Magic and Keeping Focused Intent Strong at the Fiery time of Year!

Candle magic sigils

A bit about Chaos magic: Chaos magic is a “set it and forget it” magic where we can perform our ritual and so the Universe carries our wish. To do this we must be specific in our intentions and learn to use our intuition to guide us for our best possible outcome. (You can even say “best possible outcome” knowing that you are allowing all things that come to you to be in your best interest.)

We hope to see you there!

Goddess Gatherers come and join me at the Beach on Momnday, June 20 for the longest day of the year’s setting sun and the second Full Moon in Sag. rising! Wowweee! Contact me for details! Blessings All!

July 5th Join me at Songbird Community Healing Center for another session of Manifesting with the Divine!

Full Blue Moon – Celebrate the Seasonal Blue Moon!

Blue Moon

The next Blue Moon will be on May 21, 2016. It’s a seasonal Blue Moon, the third of four full moons between the March equinox and the June solstice of 2016.

Location yet to be determined, but we will gather at dusk. More details to come as well as what to bring!
Hope to see you there!

Manifesting with the Divine
2 Sessions left for this year!
Harvesting Tuesday, July 5 from 7-9pm at Songbird Community Healing Center, Cotati
Gratitude Tuesday, October 4 from 7-9pm at Songbird Community Healing Center, Cotati

Come meet me at Honey Badger Coffee on Saturday, March 12!
The Wellness Fair is from 11am -2pm at 101 Golf Course Drive

2016 Manifesting with the Divine
3 Sessions left!
Tuesdays from 7-9pm in 2016
At Songbird Community Center in Cotati

April 5, Nurturing and Growth/Love and Relationships
July 5, Harvesting and Abundance
October 4, Gratitude and Letting Go

Series will take place on the first Tuesday in Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct 2016 from 7-9pm.

The year long series is $200/$50 per session, ($180 when paid in advance) and will be held at Songbird Community Healing Center in Cotati.

I am partnering with my colleague,Jenni Teague, for this series of workshops. To learn more about Jenni you can visit her website at

February 2016 DELAYED TO SUMMER 2016
Priestess Apprenticeship Begins!
Travel with blessed Mother Earth as completes a full cycle during the Wheel of the Year. Meet the Goddess archetypes, follow the seasons and learn how the ebbs and flows of nature reside in our beings. This journey will introduce you to your personal Priestess-hood.

This is an 8 Sabbat journey identifying your personal power, strengths, challenges, and more as we embark together and bond through sisterhood priestess-ing. We will practice sacred circles; learn about traditional pagan holy days, rituals and goddess archetypes; magical tool crafting and more. Each Sabbat will be from 9am-3pm and the cost is $650 for the yearlong program. Fee includes materials and most supplies. Ordination at the end of the Apprenticeship is optional, additional fee required.

Sabbats will be held primarily in Petaluma.

Other Services offered:

Plan your wedding!


If you are planning a wedding, moving to a new home, naming a newborn babe,  or celebrating a special birthday, I am available to help you celebrate with personal rituals

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