La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

Archive for December 2019

Tossing the Yule Log into the Fire…..

Greetings and a Blessed Yuletide! We are preparing to wrap up our Priestess Apprenticeship for this year and with the final Sabbat at Yule, the Apprentices will become Priestesses! This year my yule log is made from a simple piece of firewood, but it is adorned with dried flowers which I have collected throughout the […]

Samhain, kissing death and saying goodbye

Goodbye to the old, the unwanted, the muck. Today we have cleaned out what is no longer needed. The floors are clean, the bed is made…we await the Dreamtime and have cleared space for all that is ours to embrace! Blessed Be