La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

Step out of Darkness and into the Light!

We leave the darkest day, Winter Solstice, the longest day, behind us.
The Holly King lies down his sword until summertime. The Oak King now re-gathers strength to brightly shine at Summer Solstice. 
It’s welcoming and peaceful in the dark void of these next few days as we await the rebirth of the Sun.
It’s time to put this past year to rest, let it decompose and deconstruct, thus perfecting the fertile environment to rebuild and RISE!
It’s my hope that you embrace the kindness and joy you have given and reciprocated. This illuminating magic stirs the cauldron of love and life.
May it spill over, offering the power of creation to move forward along the next journey around the Sun, for Yule or “Wheel.” 
May the light you shine magnify over our sweet earth, and may you receive the gifts you desire. Blessed be! 
Sing, Dance, Make Love, all in Her name! 
With abundant love and light, I wish a Merry Winter Solstice to you! 

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