Full Moon energy is wonderful for looking at things clearly because there is so much reflective light, and it’s a great time for releasing. This Full Moon Ritual will assist you in letting go of your demons as well as blessing your Earthly angels.
What you are creating is:

What you need: A bowl of water, a few pieces of rough gravel, a few smooth stones like river rock… small enough to fit into your bowl of water. A cone or stick of incense, and a candle.
At your altar or sacred space, light your candle and allow it to fully illuminate the area. Light your incense and wave it around to release its odor. Say, ” I create a circle of protection around me. I invite guides who support my highest good.”
Take a moment to reflect upon the things or people that have stood in your way this month, either to block you or to serve their best interests. Do this with integrity and the intention of love. There is no need for anger or hate. Take a piece of gravel and name it: “This is Steve,” or “This is the phone bill,” and place it into the bowl of water. When you have placed your grievances into the bowl say, “May this water and the light of the Moon release you from my presence and no longer interfere with my progress.”
Take three deep cleansing breaths. Then, hold your smooth stones in your hand. Let your heartbeat’s pulse warm them. Take one at a time, and like before, name each one; “This is my doctor,” or “This is my garden.” Thank them for being present in your life and for supporting you on your quest. One by one place them into the bowl with gratitude. Once they are all in the bowl, say, “May the light of the Moon bless you and nourish you thrice fold for what you have gifted me.”
Place your hands over the bowl of water and let your energy flow through it. Imagine the image above of calm waters and hearty stones. Be in the peaceful flow of nature.
When you are ready, place the bowl of water and stones outside or near a moonlit window. Say a prayer of gratitude for the opportunity to grow and develop with the cycles of the Moon, the Seasons, and this Year. Close your prayer with “Blessed Be.” Leave the bowl of water and stones overnight and in the morning, you can pour the water and stones into your garden, a potted plant, or place it on your altar for a few days. The intention is to let of what has stood in your way and to ramp up the good juju you have been blessed with and for its continued blessings.
I love to put a piece of silver jewelry in the moonlight to “charge” it and then wear it for good luck throughout the rest of the Moon’s phases.
Do as ye will, and harm none. Blessed Be!