La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

And the Wheel Turns to Fall

It’s just like that! The time flies when there is birth and death, joyfulness and mourning. Days bleed together, and the seasons change.

For some the “Wheel” turns slowly or hauntingly, for others it whizzes by with fractions of seconds pile on to one another. This year, I have experienced both, and all.

Already we are at Mabon, the time of year for reflecting, preparing, gathering, and for letting go.

For decades, I’ve been on a spiritual journey, each year edging closer to my true self—until I’m confronted. This year, soaring with self-esteem and confidence, I faced a setback. My family pointed out that my sense of humor isn’t always as well-received as I believe, and my frequent references to “Murphy’s Law” serve more as a defense against pain, anger, or shame. Moreover, I often speak on their behalf without their consent, which, understandably, they do not appreciate.

Letting it all GO at Stafford Lake, Mabon 2024

Thus, I made my way to the lake, a beautiful green leaf clasped in my hand. I released the leaf, the very leaf burdened with all my fears of pain, rage, or shame, allowing it to drift onto the calm lake surface. I pledged to let go of my worries over the uncontrollable. I resolved to remain quiet and to let the “ball drop” when necessary. It’s not my duty to keep it aloft. I can release it.

So, dear fellows, as you notice the darkening evenings, the need for a sweater in the morning, and the smell of apples and cinnamon in the air, you know that “Fall” is here, and you may release all that no longer serves you. For the better of you.

Blessed be, and so it is!

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