La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

Song of the Black Phoebe

Two weeks of one foot on earth, the other in the stars. . .
Today I have the urge to get grounded and attempt to focus on my work.
But Bella. . . Bella our lovely Golden Retriever passed away yesterday. She’s been with us for 14 years, so yeah, there is an emptiness in the house. It’s too quiet. With Buddy gone, and now our golden girl, the clicks of nails, the pants of hot breath–even the subtle shuffle of limbs on a nearby dog bed are missing.

But I can’t write about that today. The loss is too fresh and it would all come out as dreary blubber. What I want to share is this–right at the week of Samhain I was given a new spirit animal. She came over the weekend and has been “cheeping” at me. She even got on the deck rail and looked me in the eyes. She is keeping on earth while I learn to fly.

She is a Black Phoebe and I am pleased to meet her.
Here is a Pinterest pic of her. I am not fast enough with my camera. I want to remember her and her message to me today.

Black Phoebe

The Symbolic Message of the Black Phoebe:

Black Phoebe presents opportunities to socialize and be more active with others. She designates the balance between masculine and feminine energies; the power and strength of the sacred feminine as well as the delicate beauty of male expression. All is One. She demonstrates the art of timing for your emotional and spiritual nourishment. Black Phoebe illuminates underlying hidden knowledge and wisdom. This creates a more solid foundation to build upon. She aids in heightening the powers of observation in the stillness within. She teaches listening to the heart that attunes you with each beat. Listen, for it will propel you onward. Black Phoebe’s medicine is about expressing yourself by balancing the heart and the joy it brings. She brings music to the soul as emotions are stirred. The time period for her lessons cover about a month with quick transitions. Within three to six days the process will start. The next two weeks sees the result come to fruition. Two weeks later her lessons are incorporated. Allow Black Phoebe to show you how to fly.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy the day!

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