La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

A Priestess, not a Princess


A priestess creates her own life and empowers herself. She learns from her mistakes and she grows from all life experiences that are thrust upon her.

This is not an easy realization for a good little girl who naturally follows rules, wants peace without struggle; luxury without work; joy without pain.

The princess wins her reward at the end of the day, her hero (prince charming) has arrived. She wears a crown and the protective arm of the prince is her mantle.

The priestess must take apart all that life gives her; the good, the bad, the light, the dark. She is a realist who gains knowledge from dissection. This is how she builds her own life; the one she was meant to live. At the end of her day her third eye is opened and it is a shawl of a priestess that is wrapped around her shoulders.
The priestess honors nature and all that is natural within her being. She loves with passion greater than the heavens and she knows that life is everlasting.

She has learned to recognize when she is an empty chalice, (sometimes a scooped out vessel) just waiting to be filled. She has been in the throes of the purge; casting all that which no longer serves her or her greater good. The cycles and rhythms of life’s ebb and flow course through her; she is tossed into the fire, just as the same time she is the very one stirring the cauldron of her life.

To love beyond pain, to teach to heal and forgive is at the heart of the priestess. She is the mother with the salve that soothes the injuries in life. She is also the stern mother who ensures that you learn your lesson with a sting. She hopes you will succeed. The priestess honors all aspects of self. She values her shadow side and embraces the light. She understands that each one has a sort of darkness, and the ever pressing mystery to find the light; the ying to the yang.

The priestess is at the center of the spiral. She will guide you and carry you upon the ups and downs in the circle of life. She is the mother and the child at once. She is wisdom and gray hair while she learns and births; the balance that is sought thorough out life.

Being a priestess means that she can comfort others for she know her own tears. She can laugh with joy and bliss because she has reached the heavens. She is the conduit that holds spirit and earth together, blessing everyone and every day as she lives her life. To be a priestess is an honor that she cannot take lightly. It is a responsibility to uphold and a gift to share.

The princess may live happily ever after, but the priestess lives happily through tears and laughter.

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