La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

“Take heed to not let the little things take over the larger picture of our lives.” -Ladybug

Spring Walk with my Guide

I had to find out what the Ladybud had to tell me because, like the strong western winds, my head is spinning with questions, unsettled feelings, and a dark cloud that I push away. Hmmm.

Well, here is what she says:
A time of good luck. Wishes and dreams are coming to fruition. Higher goals and new heights are now possible. Worries begin to dissipate and new happiness comes about.

This is good news! April arrived with the Zodiac symbol of Aries, again air/wind to blow out the cobwebs and encourage —courage to take over our minds and pursue our dreams. Not goals, DREAMS! So this means I’d better hold on. . . I just relayed to the Apprentices at Ostara that when we wish for changes we have to accept the uprooting and turmoil it takes to deliver that change. Be careful, be direct, and most important, be true to your HEART when asking for what you want. I’m excited, nervous, worried, thrilled, and sometimes so exuberantly delighted I get chills on the back of my arms. Change has been unleashed. Change is coming.

Smudge Wand

At Ostara the Apprentices made smudge wands. This craft was led by Priestess Natalie Elbaroda and Apprentice Zoe. We created these wands from the feathers of their chickens (Elbaroda) and ducks (Zoe) to incorporate elements of water and earth to the wind/air magical tool I smudged my house with white sage, ridding it of chaos and negativity that lingered from heated discussions and stress of worldwide conditions and events. This space is cleared, so mote it be!

Brigid’s Bessom of Blessings, yep, that’s me!

Between Ostara and Beltane, we crafted again. . .And here is a broom, another tool that includes air and earth. I have fashioned this Bessom/broom to whisk away dirty tricks, snide thoughts, and self-defeating habits. Around and around this broom goes, to greater heights and realms to bring good changes and wisdom to the front of my nose! So it is! So mote it be! Blessed Be!

I will relish my feelings and invoke the Divine as we celebrate the Full Moon this month. I will gather what works and leave the messes behind. Full Moon is April 16th, however, we are holding our celebration on the 14th, check our Cauldron of Events for more info.

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