La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

The Power of Imbolc

Honor the Maiden within at Imbolc

Brigid Arrives

Imbolc arrives as a soft whisper, a gentle breeze that rustles through empty branches,
or it storms in, letting you know it is time to wake!
Before the Wheel turns again, remember who you were last year. This new
turn takes us on a fresh journey, one of promise and hope, and wrapped in love.
You are once again a Maiden, learning the ways of your body and your mind.
Who are you? How are you different from the woman left in the dreamtime? What are
your ambitions and what are your desires?
What will you be called to do? Have your dreamtime dreams hinted to you?
How about the songs playing in your head, what do they say? How is your energy?
There is a time of stillness and one of
action. Which has lured you into place
thus far?
As the Maiden you will join Mother Earth
on her adventure, her awakening. Will
you notice the small changes and the
outcomes to be? Where are you going to
stand when the challenge arises?
The Maidens I know will take what
comes standing up, chin thrust, and
ready for action, or inaction, if needed.
Embracing the courage of Brigid,
knowing you’re protected, and knowing
Goddesses walk with you.
At Imbolc, be still one more second, then
let the Wheel turn, let it bring you with it into the next realm—one of light and love,
peace, and humanity.
Be ready, wake up, set your feet on the floor, and begin this year’s adventure
into the now! Let the past slip away, grasp the moment, to be present in all you do.
Be mindful. Be determined. Be.
My blessings to you at this precious time, the beginning of the Holy Sabbats. I bless
you as you walk your Sacred, beautiful, delicious path.

In honor of Brigid, light a candle, take a walk out in nature, or sing.

Blessed Be
Tina Deason, HP 2023

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