La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

Orange Polish

Today I painted my toe nails a lovely autumn orange… Just the color needed to step into creativity!

I find my head buzzing with ideas and crafts; symbols call to be recognized. Autumn is a time of letting go and to release yourself from the past.

Moving forward is what life is about, even on the days that the tasks are boring or uncomfortable. Making appointments, delivering news you don’t want to deliver, the pressure of having to have answers, or chores done on time. Ugh. The daily grind.

But ORANGE calls to me, it is a burning flame that will transform the yuck and muck. What seems to be unappealing may be the formation time. Delving into the dark time of winter looming before us, I see that the unfinished business needs to be dealt with and done once and for all. Nike says just do it, but you want to say just screw it! But the work must get done to get the results, whether it is re-establish wealth, drop a few pounds, remodel the house, finish the book, dry the dishes. The task must be done in order to start fresh and begin again.

Again: A Gain. When you reach completion, you have gained and it is time to start another task/chore/duty and so you may obtain a gain. Keep it positive!

So, as I round the bend, the waning moon and autumn let me know that completion of this year is near. Orange toes charge my being with energy. Creativity flows upward from Mother Earth to my soul. I will find the energy to complete my tasks, put my self in order and begin to prepare for the next turn of the wheel; a new year

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