La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

New Moon, New Year

It’s January and the crescent moon just appeared.

It’s true that at any time you can change the direction of your life. You can decide right in the middle of the day, in the middle of a meal, conversation, or a drive, that from now on things are going to be different.

The power of choice is a strong super power that most of us do not draw upon. The power of choice maintains the balance of free will and our free will is always as work but consciously making choices will lead us to harmony.
Because I practice earth based religion I have come to adore the moon and all of her magic. The ebb and flow of her appearance and disappearance resemble the ebb and flow patterns in my life. The drawing of light and energy, reaching goals, and then subsiding and moving on to the next.

Once upon a time I was a new mother with a tiny baby in my arms. I was his world and he was mine. He just turned 30 years old last week, so imagine if I had spent the last 30 years holding him… time would have stood still and no growth would have occured. Yes, I miss those tender days and that sweet baby of mine, but the days that came after were so wild and wonderful! I now have a young man in my life who I adore and who adores me. We share a wry sense of humor and the same blue eyes that my dad had. We are in our full moon.

Series of changes are what moves us as well as the universe forward. It is constant. Even as I started writing this blog the focus has moved and I am reaching a deeper level of my feelings.

I recently read an article about want and the need to want. I appreciated that article because it spoke not only of intention, but of actions needed to reach achievement. It spoke of the pain required to reach the outcome.

At first it was unappealing because who the hell needs more pain in their life? We all are working toward comfort and success; we don’t want pain. Pain is in the past, right? Wrong. When we take a look at our life and using our free will, we have the opportunity to choose what we want from our life: the pain of not having something or the pain it takes to get something.

I know a lovely woman who is 60 years old. She just won the silver medal in a body building competition. When I complemented her on her achievement she let me know that it was not easy. “For three years I had to really watch my nutrition and the physical training was grueling. I wanted to do this for my kids and my grandkids. I want them all to know that nothing is impossible and that you can reach the goal you set for yourself.” This made me admire this woman even more.

I can appreciate the hard work, I am usually on a diet and I train with weights for my overall health, but here she set out to put on a bathing suit in front of hundreds, if not thousands of people, to flex her muscles and show of her amazing body and her strength. The to understand her personal reasons for doing so elevated my admiration. She said she wants a picture of herself in a pose with a grandchild in each arm. That is her ultimate goal.

I also met a really sweet young man who was taking a CPR course from me. I noticed he had a long scar on his upper arm. After the class we had an opportunity to chat. He told me that he was taking the CPR course to be a personal trainer at one of the local gyms.

“I used to work in construction, but I fell from a height. I broke my arm, shattered my leg, and broke my jaw,” he explained as he drew his finger along his jaw line. “I had just lost a lot of weight too, I lost 140 lbs, so I was pretty skinny when I fell. I was in physical therapy for a long time.”

Wow. I let him know that if I were going to choose a personal trainer, I would pick him. He was not one of the naturally born beautiful people who decided to go into personal training because they were built for it, but because he had gone through many levels of pain to know that this is his calling, this is what he needs to do to be happy and he has traveled the bumpy road to arrive here.

Free will is to know that we can really and truly choose to be whatever and do whatever we want. Choosing to accept the decision to reach the goal is another facet of our dream. We can manifest what we like and by deciding to accept the challenge we open doors that lead down new corridors. We can leap from pillar to pillar, climbing toward our goal, but choosing to accept the downfalls that may come along is part of the earning that goal.
No one wants to sacrifice, it sounds so dreaded, but letting go of our current comfort is what shifts us and molds us into the characters we dream to be.

Being hungry because you want to lose weight is a sacrifice you choose to make. Putting your money away for a larger purchase or savings pinches the wallet and you feel that. Having a child takes your free time, finding love means you learn to give and take, however, letting go of the predictable opens you up for experiences you could never imagine.

At this new moon and new year, I challenge myself and you to recognize that the sufferings we meet are truly the growing pains toward our new and better selves. Embrace your annoyances and disruption for they are the movements toward your future.

Blessed New Moon, Blessed New Year, Blessed New You!

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