La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

Honoring La Bona Dea

La Bona Dea

Festivals honoring the Good Goddess, La Bona Dea, took place around May Day, or Beltane; May First. Her festivals were secret and only women were in attendance.

One aspect of La Bona Dea is found within Roman Goddess Flora, the goddess of flowers. Her abundance and beauty fill the earth and symbolize life on this gorgeous and growing planet.

When early summer and late spring are upon us we feel the need to move to the outdoors (save for those pesky allergies!). Playing with delight in the warm air and the longer days, we relish being alive, being one with our blessed Mother.

I invite you to go out and play this week. Energize yourself with Her renewed energy!

I feel a personal connection with La Bona Dea because it is this time of year that I recognize the passions in my life, the blessings She has gifted to me. I seem to reconnect with Her and she lights a fire under me. “Do! Be! Live!” She beckons with the first blooms of the Lilac, to the fading colors of the Hydrangea, she calls, she whispers, she demands.

She is relentless, though gentle, in waking me each year, and each year I gain more authenticity. Headed out for a walk I hear her call, and I answer, “I am coming, I am nearly home!”

Blessings and Happiness be Yours!

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