La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

Mom’s Graduation Day

Miss Mia Graduated last night and I am a proud Mamma.

Anyone who knows our story understands the importance of this moment between us.

I have have five beautiful children, two are my step-daughters, but daughters just the same, and I am proud of each and every one of these kids.

Parenting is a job that comes with honor. It is opportunity to honor the soul with what each child comes to Earth. I have been blessed to embrace these beings and to have them teach me life lessons. With each child I learned something wonderful:

My son Lorenzo taught me to be patient; that everything works out. He is calm and kind, he is strong and he is oh-so-logical. He is my Rock.

My daughter Natalie taught me to quit worrying about what others think. She encourages me to be a better me each time I speak with her. She is my Gypsy Soul.

Andrea taught me to do what I want. She is strong, both physically and willed. She is has shown me resilience. She is my Strength.

Hilary brings me laughter and joy. Her humor and hard work have taught me dedication. She is my Muse.

My baby, Mia, has reminded me of all the attributes of the first four, then she topped it with gentleness. She taught me that being gentle and soft are just as important as strength, faith, and will. She is my Soft Touch.

Mia and Momie

These gifts came with the price of worry and fear. They came with hoping I was doing the right thing by each of them and faith it would all be okay.

Today I am pausing to honor these gifts, to reflect on the precious value they offer to me. My five gems, all polished and brilliant. I am proud of the people they are and of the person they have encouraged me to be.

Blessed be the child
Blessed be the mother
Blessed be the wild
and Blessed be tender

As it is and so it shall always be……

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