La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

Pink Champagne, Roses, Sparkles, and more

The dawn of spring has arrived and I am wallowing in its bliss!

Awakening from the deep slumbers where I created my dreams, uncertain where they would lead, I find that I am where I want to be. In the seat of my happiness, created by self and manifested by me. I am able to start a new journey now, one that begins with peace and travels toward unconditional love.

How do I know this, you may wonder…. Well, it’s like this:

I cannot seem to surround myself with enough pink, envelope myself in the smell of roses, wear my sparkles, and embrace the need to toast the universe with an elegant flute of champagne. The party has begun.

I shake the residual fears and the sticky cobwebs that cling to find myself standing in the dawn of not only a new day or season, but of a brand new year where all is possible and probable.

Join me now and seek the joys that touch your heart and inspire your creativity. Embark on adventure, no matter how small, but do it with intention and devotion.

Lift your heart and smile. The world is waiting!
Blessed Be!

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