La Bona Dea's Journal of Everyday Magic

Storytelling which touches the heart and awakens the soul

One’s Own Sweet Way, or OOSW as I call it for short, is now available!

Writing this book filled my heart and my head. I lived through such uncertain times with my child who suffers from severe anxiety disorders. After the first two years of learning and coping with Mia’s condition I realized I had a story here that needed to be told.

I don’t consider myself a victim in anyway from this experience, but living those days made me understand the importance of parental roles. Kids need stability and sometimes when we parents are unfamiliar with what is happening with our child, it can be quite scary. I know I had my share of questions, doubts, and anger. (Some of Claire Byrne’s quotes are directly from my mouth! Yikes!)

Being the advocate for any child or person, really, has challenges, and when you second guess yourself because you are suddenly floating in uncharted waters it is unnerving.

One’s Own Sweet Way was written in support of parents and caregivers who want to be heard but are wary that their anger would mean they don’t care or love someone. That is not true. . . We stay and lose our own minds sometimes because we care enough to see the best results. . . endless love.

If you found a copy and you are reading it, I truly hope you enjoy it and find some solace for yourself and others who face these dragons and demons. My sincere love goes to you! xo La Bona Dea/CM Riddle
OOSW Cover copy

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